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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221230-47
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1933
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 19:13:59
TC Ends: 19:15:07
Duration: 00:01:08
Sons Of Erin March In Great Parade To Honor Patron Saint High angle of 1933 St. Patrick’s Day Parade march up Fifth Avenue w/ large crowds. Police & West Point or Army marching units; crowds held back by mounted police and other cops. Tilt down front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral w/ flag bearers. Bishop & other VIPs n front steps watching. Police having trouble holding back large crowd. 19:14:44 Irish VIP stands in open car passing reviewing stand w/ Al Smith, smoking cigar, and other VIPs. Women w/ sash banners & girls walking up street in parade. Other groups carry US & Irish flags. High angle from top of skyscraper looking down on avenue. Parades; Religious Celebrations; Catholic Religion; Ethnic; Irish-Americans;