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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221281-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: California,New York City,NYC,pasadena
TC Begins: 13:15:48
TC Ends: 13:25:06
Duration: 00:09:18
Story of Television Pt. 2 of 2 Abstract pattern of color flashing. 13:16:03 General Sarnoff talking to camera about scientists development of color & other elements of tv & compatibility between color & B&W. B/W picture of rose; replaced by color. Sarnoff continues talking. 13:17:16 Field of tulips & people looking at them. People around campfire; CU face of model sitting, smiling. Prism showing color spectrum. NBC, RCA tri-color television tube, 13:18:10 Diagram showing operation of color camera, light thru lens & broken down w/ mirrors into blue, green & red and then focussed into the three tubes & transmitted to tubes that will then reproduce into either b/w or color depending on the tube. Stain glass windows, food & fruit on table. 13:19:32 1954 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade float & waving people riding on Queen’s float, Shriners & others. 13:20:14 Horseback riders thru woods w/ fall colors. Studio show & cameras & sound technicians working microphone booms, dollies; actors including Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy in The Four Poster. Posters for various NBC tv specials & stars. 13:21:40 Colorful mobile units or vans set up on street w/ passing traffic; cables snaking up side of stadium. View of camera boxes above grandstands w/ large lenses of still & motion picture cameras pointing out. 1955 World Series showing crowds, baseball players. 1955 Davis Cup tennis matches w/ camera placed in audience. Football cheerleaders & game. 13:23:11 Cowboy sitting on rock overhang above Grand Canyon, tilt down to canyon. 13:23:30 Family watching tv set w/ picture superimposed on set. Taj Mahal, Rome, surfers in Honolulu Hawaii, Chinese junks, fishing boat on ocean. Skiing, tobogganing. 13:23:31 Looking up Coney Island parachute jump. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade w/ giant balloons on bright sunny day. Family at set w/ superimposed picture. Parade marching units. Tacky. RCA logo but abrupt end. Promotional Films; Educational Films; Communications Industry; Advertising; 1950s Daily Life; Tourists; Tourism;