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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220968-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945-1955
Country: USA
Location: Berkeley,Chicago,Greenwich Village,New York City
TC Begins: 04:53:13
TC Ends: 05:00:22
Duration: 00:07:09
That Brotherhood May Prevail Documentary: On the International Houses in Berkeley, Chicago and New York City, residences for foreign students which promote international understanding. Sign re Latin American. Students round dinner table 04:53:49 Student visits New York, goes into sidewalk cafe but has trouble making himself understood because of language barrier. Meets old friend, they have drinks and then go to Greenwich village. Street scenes with pedestrians and traffic. Two young men looking at art exhibition in the Village. Paintings hang on fences. Wood carver showing students his work. Students looking at pictures, light cigarettes. 04:58:15 Students seated round dinner table. Guitarist serenades diners, CU showing different nationalities. 04:59:24 Young couple study by tree. Couple “walk off into sunset”.