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Go to HomepageReel Number: 900002-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s 1990
Country: USA
Location: Boston,DC,Massachusetts,New York City,NYC,Washington
TC Begins: 01:00:00
TC Ends: 01:09:11
Duration: 00:09:11
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Unknown Secrets: Art & the Rosenberg Era R1 Narrated by John Randolph. Featuring voice overs by Ed Asner, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Tovah Feldshuh, Jack Gilford, George Irving, Tony Randall, Shirley Blac Romaine. Ethel Rosenberg’s last letter to her children sang over opening titles and credits. Shot of 1950s subway entrance and newsstand with voice over of Sylvia Plath diary entry. New York City skyline at sunset. Times Square neon with automat, South Seas, Budweiser signs. Julius Rosenberg out of paddy wagon. Flashbulbs. Ethel Rosenberg arrested segue to painting with Ossie Davis voice over. Moving shot of Unknown Secrets art exhibit . CU Picasso drawing of Rosenbergs. Stills and newspaper headlines re Klaus Fuchs. Harry Gold arrest and stills. David Greenglass still. Mug shots of Julius Rosenberg. VS stills of Julius and Ethel. Newsreel footage of arrest of Morton Sobell. Sobell still. Ethel mug shots. Drawing of Judge Irving Kaufman, prosecutors irving Saypol and Roy Cohn. Agit prop drawing. Ralph Fasanella painting about Rosenbergs. West Side Highway looking towards George Washington Bridge. 1950’s traffic on West side highway. Fiddling with car radio. POV driving on Manhattan streets. Light changing CU. Newsreel footage of Greenglass arrest, Ethel and Julius arrest intercut with art works under words read by Ed Asner from Arthur Miller’s autobiography. Adrienne Rich at Boston church podium introduces her poem by recounting Rosenberg case. Protest demonstration for clemency in front of White House. Anti-Rosenberg counter demo - the hot seat for traitors. Newsreel cameras set up outside of Sing Sing, still of electric chair. Rosenberg sons - Michael and Robert - walking with Rosenberg lawyer across Sing Sing courtyard. Interview with Ralph Fasanella about painting, about Rosenbergs. Points out things in his painting. Int. with Martha Rossler, artist, about her itnerest in Ethel intercut with her painting. Artistic work in film by: Kim Adeles, Dennis Adams, Victor Arnautoff, Robert Areneson, Doug Ashford, Karen Atkinson, Gary Bachman, Rudolf Baranik, Terry Berkowitz, Angel Bracho, Crhis Bratton, Celia Calderon, Luis Camnitzer, Sue Coe, Richard Corey, Mort Dimondstein, Fred Ellis, Ralph Fasanella, Rupert Garcia, Marina Gutierrez, Jerry Kearns, Rockwell Kent, Margia Kramer, Fernand Leger, Leon Marcus, Paul Marcus, Arnold Mesches,Louis Monza, Francisco Mora, Antonio Muntadas, Alice Neel, Lorie Novak, Saul Ostrow, Pablo Picasso, Adrian Piper, Archie Rand, Martha Rosler, Juan Sanchez, Peter Saul, Greg Sholette, Kenneth Shorr, Deborah Small, Anthony Toney, Patty Wallace, Janet Winston, David Wojnarowicz NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: