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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220809-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1937
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 14:24:37
TC Ends: 14:27:30
Duration: 00:02:53
Works Progress Administration, WPA, Parade ca 1937 SOF WPA parade, marching band toward camera. Banners, placards & flags. Workers Alliance of Greater New York. Past Penn Station (?) on 7th Ave. w/ band playing; kid on roller-skates w/ hockey stick. 14:25:41 People watching from sidewalk as parade passes. Signs calling for expansion of WPA; jobless chanting “we want jobs.” 14:26:22 Float w/ Boss hitting workers on head with axe & they fall. Battleship float. Teachers union float. Sign: stop layoffs. People watch from curb. Parade exiting street into building garage. Depression; Unemployed; Government Programs; Labor Unions; NOTE: WPA was set up in 1935; this parade was probably during 1937 recession.