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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221436-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958
Country: France
Location: Paris
TC Begins: 23:12:50
TC Ends: 23:14:57
Duration: 00:02:07
De Gaulle Agrees To Lead France Troops & police guarding Paris streets, people past in street. 23:13:09 Premier Pierre Pflimlin out of Citroen & past camera into building. Army trucks w/ soldiers thru streets (Paris or Algiers?). Paris & pedestrians & police walking on sidewalk; police standing about. Car into government building. 23:13:51 Huge crowd of pro-De Gaulle settlers in Algiers; people waving French flags. General Salan (?); Jacques Soustelle (sp?) arrives from France. 23:14:36 Soustelle w/ Gen. Jacques Massu & press conference. Revolution; Colonialism; French Army; Algeria; 1958; 1950s; Note: Just prior to return of De Gaulle as premier.