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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221794-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1921,1922
Country: France,USA
Location: DC,Paris,Washington
TC Begins: 03:14:21
TC Ends: 03:20:23
Duration: 00:06:02
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWI - 1921ca, Americana, Politicians: Senators; Armistice; Baseball Intertitle: Left to right: Senators John K. Shield (Democrat, Tenn. 1913 - 1925), Frank Willis (Republican, Ohio 1921 - 1928), Richard P. Ernst (R., KY 1921 - 1927), Frank Brandegee (R., Conn. 1905 - 1924), & Lee Overman (D., N.C. 1903 - 1930) Ca. 1921 - 1924. Standing on steps of ?? & talking. (good but needs to stretch to be useful). 03:14:28 Intertitle: Sen Thomas Watson of Georgia (D., 1921-1922) who charged the A.E.F. w/ wholesale executions. 03:14:34 CU posing w/ & w/o hat smiling. 03:14:42 Slug. 03:14:45 Senator Frank Bartlett Willis (?), w/ hair parted in center, outside door shaking fists & gesturing, lecturing, smiling & talking for cameras. Slug. 03:15:40 Reporter (?) talking to men leaving White House (?). One wearing hat & w/ mustache & cigar in mouth poses; others leaving. Newly elected Congressmen ? 03:15:58 MS & CU Man wearing hat & w/ mustache on steps of Capitol, poses. Slug. 03:16:39 Man into revolving door of Senate Office Building (?). Man out (Senator Watson?)t & down steps, stops & poses, takes off hat. Slug. ECU smiling w/ hat & without. 03:17:21 Three Army officers in overcoats & hats pose on ?? steps. 03:17:35 not useful. 03:17:40 same as 03:14:22 (beginning) but longer to be useful. GOOD. 03:17:57 Slug 03:18:01 Paris Place de la Concorde & crowd around obelisk; sign on building L’Armistice a Ete Signe. MS allied soldiers celebrating in street; on front greeting Germans & shaking hands, exchanging cigarettes, hats. 03:18:34 Montage: View of crosses in military cemetery; artillery raised, fired, reloading, firing. Bodies & burying. 03:18:56 Senator Frank B. Willis (?) (from 03:14:45) out front door of very large mansion into elaborate, lush garden to camera, poses & points. 03:19:21 CU Extremely conservative Senator Frank Brandegee (R. Conn. 1905-1924) on steps, talking. 03:19:34 Senator Willis (?) as at 03:14:45 Gesturing & shaking fists. 03:19:56 Flash intertitle: The Cards put over their second run in seventh on Bell’s double & single by O’Farrell. High Angle / HA of baseball diamond & large stadium, batter hits man in but holds on first base. 03:20:08 CU Senator Willis (?) from 03:14:45 & 03:19:35 but different location (?). 03:20:13 MS motion picture newsreel cameramen & senators at beginning (03:14:22). Politicians; Post-WW1; Publicity; Sports; St. Louis Cardinals; 1920s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: