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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250144-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: France,Holland,Netherlands
Location: Holland,Paris,Versailles,Volendam
TC Begins: 00:55:29
TC Ends: 01:15:05
Duration: 00:19:36
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 00:55:44 US sailor along canal walking after Volendam villagers; boats alongside. Sailors follow couple thru village. 00:56:04 Title: Camera studies of the natives. 00:56:07 CUs old man & old woman, children all in Dutch ethnic costumes. Sailors pose w/ them in street. Another title. Natives walking along streets, along canal bank; man cleaning out boat on canal w/ clothes / washing hanging on line on opposite side. 00:57:35 Title: Beating the Dutch at their own game. Two sailors walking in wooden shoes & wearing bonnets w/ local women. Two girls put bonnets on sailors & CUs of wooden shoes. 00:58:21 Title: Purchasing trinkets - a religion w/ sailormen. 00:58:26 Sailor at table outside store looking at souvenirs. Officer & sailors walk to bluff overlooking city, look around. Leave following African / Arab women in white shawls outside store w/ sign: Notre Dame D’Afrique... standing looking at large ornate church w/ large dome & cross. Harbor shot. 01:00:01 Iris shots: CU flag in wind & steam whistles blowing. 01:00:30 Ship stacks & steam whistle. Sailors & harbormaster compare log books; captain w/ binoculars. 01:00:52 Army officer & old woman looking at brochure or magazine & laughing. Woman shows to villagers and all laugh. 01:01:25 Men marching w/ rifles along canal bank, under stone railroad bridge; stop at intersection & army truck turns, men march parallel to railroad track on raised bed. 01:02:28 Sailor helps army officer on w/ raincoat; another comes out & they board car (CU of activity at 01:03:25). Pan over wet fields & trees to town in distance. American flag flying from tall pole. 01:03:25 Sailor arrives w/ large car, army officer out &* he helps officer into leather coat; another out & into coat then into car w/ dog & sailor in, drives off. 01:04:18 LS of army truck in front of large stone building, sailor w/ bugle comes out & blows, then others come out w/ flag & raise flag; local women & children come out to watch. Joined by soldiers & sailors. Flag raised. 01:05:50 MS flag on pole in front of ornate city building, tilt down as US army officers come out. Shot repeated. MCU. 01:06:40 Officer leads many sailors out of same entrance past Army officers. Sailors line up at attention along road w/ army trucks parked behind. American flag above on short staff. 01:07:28 Army trucks parked along road, sedan directed away; army trucks follow, some open trucks. 01:08:23 Title: Sailors Journey to Old Versailles... 01:08:38 LS, Pan of sailors & others in open plaza outside of Versailles Palace & fountains. 01:09:11 Title: From the roof...the flower beds resemble woven tapestries.” Sailor looking at formal gardens. 01:09:44 LS from balcony of sailors looking at fountain & lawn. Pan & scenics of buildings. 01:10:45 Grotto; view across lawn to fort-like building Sailors looking at statue in MCU. LS of Palace. 01:11:54 Title: ...King Neptune recently restored through gifts of John D. Rockefeller.” 01:12:03 Pan fountain operating. Tourists seen thru water. 01:12:30 LS ornate palace w/ pedestrian, automobile & horse-drawn traffic around. MCU officers & civilian talking to woman. Cu men holding British flags. LS of grounds & plaza w/ large statue. 01:14:52 Ornate Interior. Post-WW1 Travelogue; Holland; Netherlands; France; Military Leave; 1910s; 1918; 1920s; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: