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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220518-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1919,1910s
Country: England,France,Italy,United Kingdom,USA
Location: London,Paris
TC Begins: 13:09:26
TC Ends: 13:23:58
Duration: 00:14:32
Post-WWI, 1919, Conferences: Paris Peace Conference Large group of unidentified officers pose on building steps. 13:09:40 Edward M. House (Wilson advisor) & aides on steps of his Paris office. MCU shown & looking at letters / papers. MLS talk w/ soldier as others watch & wait by official car. 13:10:25 Premier Clemenceau & Marshal Foch leave No. 10 Downing Street. 13:10:24 Pan hotels Elysée-Palace, Crillon, & Ritz in Paris (ornate building & tilt down to street & traffic w/ pedestrians), US flags flying from buildings. 13:11:40 Row of taxis & cars parked; driving off; w/ military driver pulling up & leaving w/ officers. MS military & civilians. Comings and goings. 13:13:04 Admiral Benson & Henry White leave the Crillon Hotel (?). 13:13:08 Arriving by car & quickly entering conference past cameramen & shot from two sides so repeated include: President Wilson; Clemenceau; Premier Orlando & Baron Sonnino of Italy, Lloyd George and David Balfour, Gen. Tasker Bliss, Robert Lansing,Admiral Grayson, President Poincare, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pichon, & Arthur J. Balfour arrive at the Quai d'Orsay, Paris, to open the peace conference. 13:18:29 French (?) soldiers march thru gates leaving ??. 13:18:44 Interior of empty conference room. 13:18:57 High Angle / HA of arrivals. 13:19:11 Spectators watching arrivals from sidewalk in front of Quai d’Orsay. Cars entering gates of Quai d’Orsay from inside grounds & delegates out seen from balcony. 13:20:05 Delegates leaving building, posing, entering cars. 13:22:22 Delegates arriving, out of cars, including Japanese delegate. Middle Eastern delegate in uniform & head scarf poses. Other delegates. Post-WW1 Peace Conference; Press Photographers; Military Cameramen; Newsreel Cameramen; Diplomats; Diplomacy; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Excellent quality NOTE: Conference opened 18Jan19.