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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221782-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1918,1919
Country: France,USA
Location: Paris
TC Begins: 04:15:38
TC Ends: 04:21:46
Duration: 00:06:08
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1917-19, US Army: Red Cross Work On Mutiles / Disfigured at Paris Studio Exterior of large houses on urban street; small old woman (?) in cape walks along & into gate. Small courtyard garden w/ open door & woman inside. 04:16:18 Two women Red Cross workers work on two disfigured soldiers; man works on third. Wall behind has American flag above many masks or plaster casts hanging. 04:16:23 MS soldier wearing medals lights cigarette as Red Cross worker looks at plaster or clay on side soldiers face. He removes shell covering lower sides of face, turns showing heavy scars & missing jaw. She adjusts & hands back the prosthetic facial covering & he reattaches over ears. Worker turns him & they smile. 04:17:03 MS woman painting skin coloring onto mask of lower face. Picks up cast of severely disfigured & fits mask (tin?) over lower section, CUs with & without. 04:17:32 Man sculpting on Plaster of Paris (?) casting. Woman working on face. 04:18:47 Woman working on ear w/ wiring attached to battery & puts into container. 04:19:21 Women in foreground & background painting & working with prosthetics or molds. MS painting prosthetic worn by man & talking to him. 04:20:19 Workers discussing mask. 04:20:58 Sculptor smoking while soldier removes facial covering showing missing nose, lips & wounds on cheeks. Sculptor puts nose & glasses onto soldier, removes & adjusts earpieces WW1; Plastic Surgery; Disguises; Horrors of War; Facial Reconstruction; Disfigurement; Injuries; Anaplastology; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: NARA description includes: “Red Cross workers in Paris make masks for French & U.S. soldiers whose faces have been disfigured. Plaster molds of the wounded men's faces are made; wax models of the heads are made from the molds; and copper is deposited on the wax models by electrolysis.” NOTE: This may be the Studio for Portrait Masks, the Paris workshop of American artist Anna Coleman Ladd. The man may be British sculptor Francis Derwent Wood who founded the Masks for Facial Disfigurement Department at the Third London General Hospital.