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WWII - 1944, Retaking Paris, Includes Paris during Occupation

Reel Number: 220448-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940s,1944

Country: France

Location: Paris

TC Begins: 16:01:54

TC Ends: 16:12:12

Duration: 00:10:18

WWII - 1944, Retaking Paris, Includes Paris during Occupation Low Angle / LA up to flags of France, England, USA w/ Free French flag in middle. People reading wall posting of peace signs. 16:02:12 POV from car of people on streets; past German signs on buildings & Nazi flags still flying. Hidden camera lowered at times. Truck in street blocking way. 16:03:07 High angle / HA of camouflaged trucks & cars w/ German (?) soldiers moving down street under shade trees. 16:03:26 Place de Opera; pedestrians out of subway; German soldiers; people in street set on German collaborator punching & moving thru crowd. 16:05:32 CU torn photograph of Marshal Petain on the ground feet walk on it; LS of burning building(s) CU of flames; firemen; Railroad station after fire. Wounded soldier helped. 16:07:41 Prisoners (?) off freight cars w/ French graffiti. CUs. 16:08:19 German generals greeting each other. Wreckage. 16:08:56 Large well-dressed civilian & military crowd at horse track. German generals & others. 16:09:28 Ceremony at Arc de Triomphe & at steps of large building w/ Germans. Parisians watching. German Generals & others w/ French veterans. 16:11:37 Interior of building w/ German banner & Vichy flag; 16:12:06 Jumps out of frame. WW2; German Occupation; Occupied France; 1940s; Hidden Camera; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.

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