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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221210-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Italy
Location: Papigno,Rome,Umbria
TC Begins: 04:11:33
TC Ends: 04:19:48
Duration: 00:08:15
Allied Occupation of Rome & Electrical Power Restoration; Building RR (Sep44) Int. of huge Cerravo generating system near Terni in Central Italy, Italian civilian men working w/ US Army on pipes and rebuilding, measuring & fitting. Large equipment moved on overhead crane & set in place. 04:13:18 Ext. of enormous destruction, US or British Army officer & two men look at plans & point. Burned transformer. High angle overview of destruction. 04:14:34 Marmore Falls w/ peasants in carts past destroyed bus or truck on side of road. Steam engine puling open cars over railroad bridge under reconstruction. US Sergeant giving paperwork to engineer & others on train passing road crossing. Other freight train activity thru countryside. 04:16:19 Railroad yard w/ destroyed tracks, cars. Men working on reconstructing tracks & roadbed past destroyed town. Heavily destroyed railyard. 04:17:28 Military trucks over Bailey Bridge in front of higher bridge under reconstruction. MS of men pouring concrete, moving timbers; women carrying rock in baskets on heads on road project. Dumping on stone pile. Carrying large rocks on head. Strength; Post-War; Post-WWII Rebuilding; Reconstruction; Labor; Peasants;