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Ancient Rome

Reel Number: 221640-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1949

Country: Italy

Location: Ostia,Rome

TC Begins: 15:27:36

TC Ends: 15:37:39

Duration: 00:10:03

Ancient Rome Coronet Instructional Films 15:27:55 Woman teacher writing on blackboard: “Our Heritage from Ancient Rome.” & pulls down map showing Rome & Italy. 15:28:20 LS across Rome from hilltop; boy looking at ruins; pan over city & bridge over Tiber River. Mouth of Tiber River & docks. 15:29:00 Pan over Ostia rooftops & ruins. 15:29:12 Map of Mediterranean & Europe. Stone paving blocks of Roman road, Appian way. Cart & cart along road. 15:29:56 Museum exhibit of Roman war chariot; frieze or carving of Roman soldiers. Monument, triumphal arch & people walking thru. Large ruins of Roman Forum. Model of ancient roman forum. 15:30:50 LS of Forum w/ city beyond; MS & CUs of ruins of temples; statues of vestal virgins. 15:31:56 CUs & MSs: statue of Emperor Trajan; statue of Marcus Aurelius on horseback; statue of Caesar Augustus; Palentine Hill ruins; public baths ruins & model. 15:33:28 Aquaduct remains, w/ MS of arch. CU & tilt up column. Domed roof on columns. 15:34:16 Pan across large ruins; other vistas & details. 15:34:47 Museum displays of furnishing, kitchen utensils, cooking containers, oil lamps, decorative dishes. Roman warehouse & jugs for storage; scales & abacus. 15:35:37 Tilt up sculpture showing toga robes; women’s dress. CU statue heads of man, children, wax tablet & letters. Enscribed base of ??. 15:36:22 Amphitheater ruins; model of theatre w/ covered stage. Open air amphitheater. Colosseum / Coliseum & model; pan of ruins. Exterior shots. LS of Rome. The End. Educational Film; 1949; Geography; History;

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