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Ardentine Massacre

Reel Number: 221207-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Italy

Location: Rome

TC Begins: 22:05:16

TC Ends: 22:12:51

Duration: 00:07:35

Ardentine Massacre May be staged. Underground & performing autopsies on deteriiorated bodies; priest gives blessing. Cutting clothes off bodies; People looking at remains of clothing. Men unearthing pile of bodies buried in dirt; coffins carried. CU of list of prisoners killed 24Mar44. Remains of bodies in coffins as camera moves across. 22:07:10 Women over open wooden coffins as priest blesses. CU women’s faces. Woman carried out past crowd. 22:08:24 Ext. of trial building. Int. people; judges. CU of accused photo on card of Donato Carreto & Pietro Caruso. Into court room on crutches. Relatives into courtroom. Lawyers speaking & gesturing violently. 22:09:14 Woman gesturing to policeman. People mob the accused & beat him as he’s led out. 22:09:38 Prison from above. LS of Donato Carreto’s bloody body hanging on exterior of jail. Int. Pietro Caruso in bed; CU of face. Removed from van and walkingon crutches to chair in front of hillside w/ priest. Shot from behind by soldiers. 22:10:22 People walking, checkpoints & papers checked. Partisans reviewed. Archival footage of marching thru street w/ banner. 22:11:23 People moving in rural setting, in small town market, loading bags on trucks & resettling. Soldiers watching. Farmer plowing w/ oxen, planting. Village church, nuns w/ small kids. Title: The End The March of Time. WWII; Horrors of War; Post-War - Italy; Execution - Firing Squad; Atrocities; WW2;

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