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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221218-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Italy,Vatican City
Location: Amalfi Coast,Apennine Mountains,FLORENCE,MILAN,Naples,Po Valley,Pompeii,Rome,Vatican City
TC Begins: 19:28:29
TC Ends: 19:44:54
Duration: 00:16:25
Italy: Peninsula of Contrast Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Map of Mediterranean Sea & Italy, country outline fades to picture of boot. Montage: coastal village, snowy mountains, farming, modern apartments, Roman ruins of the Forum w/ Victor Emmanuel Monument in BG. Map of Italy, Alps. Highland farmers on mountain slopes, restaurant sign in Italian & German. CUs children of region. Winding mountain road, railway, cable car. Hydroelectric plant. 19:31:44 Map of Po Valley region showing Turin & Milan. Factories in Milan, Cathedral, railway station. Railroad & highway across flat region. Farming in Po Valley; modern machinery. 19:33:07 Apennine mountain region running down center of Italy, farming scenes on slopes, oxen pulling plow; farmer’s wife w/ geese carrying water to house. Outdoor oven & baking bread. Walled city, narrow streets, women washing outdoors. 19:35:05 Cathedral in Siena; INT stained glass windows. 19:35:25 High shot across Florence & street scenes; Michelangelo’s statue David. Ponte Vecchio w/ Florentine craftsmen working w/ leather & silver. 19:36:32 Map. Rome - ancient ruins - Coliseum. Map showing growth of Roman Empire. Paintings of Ancient Rome. Colosseum / Coliseum & Forum. Vatican City w/ Swiss Guard at gate & St. Peter’s Cathedral. Rome street scenes. 19:39:11 Map. Naples, high pan across harbor. Dock & street scenes. Ruins of Pompeii w/ archaeologists excavating ashes. Fishing village on Amalfi Coast - nets mended - swordfish caught - fruit & vegetable market. Terraces built into hillside - intensive cultivation. 19:41:51 Map comparing size of Italy to US & population. 19:42:29 Tourists off liner in harbor w/ ship unloading. Summary montage of different regions tourists can visit. Florence Duomo. King Victor Emmanuel memorial, Rome. Travelogues; Tourism; Southern Europe; Promotional Film; NOTE: one continuous minute sold at per reel rate.