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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220931-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918,1910s
Country: Albania,Austria,Italy
Location: Alps,Monte Grappa,Monte Tomba,Rome,Veneto
TC Begins: 21:29:41
TC Ends: 21:46:18
Duration: 00:16:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1918 ca, Italy: Artillery Firing on Austrians; Flame Throwers; Captured Austrians; Italian Navy Flash intertitle: re Italian artillery firing. Italian artillery positions in trees & covered ; explosions in distance. Loading shells & firing heavy guns. LS smoke over targets on Austrian defense line, various MS explosions. 21:32:39 Flash intertitle: Infantry artillery...on Monte Tomba.” Men firing smaller artillery. Explosions. 21:33:48 Intertitle: “The infantry rushes into action...” Soldiers advance up hillside; across rocky terrain, keeping low, firing machine guns; move ahead w/ bayoneted rifles; into enemy trench. 21:36:04 MCU loading & firing machine gun; artillery w/ smoke from below. 21:36:35 Flash intertitle re Monte Grappa on upper Piave line. Pan & sentry watching troops advancing across snow-covered slopes. 21:37:55 Infantry form line behind rock wall w/ rifles. 21:38:29 Intertitle: “Dogs are used to bring provisions to the Italian outposts.” Handlers & dogs w/ carts on narrow mountain path on snowy ridge. 21:39:01 Flash intertitle: “...Italians were pounding the Austrians on the Piave.” Heavy guns firing; troops running thru trench. Resting in trenches. Machine guns. LS Austrian front line w/ smoke. Loading & firing machine guns. 21:40:28 LS many flame-throwers in action in advance along Piave River. Clouds of black smoke. 21:41:07 Troops march along road behind high stone wall. Firing rifle & machine guns from trench & sandbagged positions. 21:42:55 Flash intertitle re captured Austrian soldiers. Pan large crowd of Austrian troops. Italians herd Austrians along road. 21:44:01 Flash intertitle: “Wasps of the Sea. Italian sailors on these American-built submarine chasers...” Row of boats at high speed from another. CU chaser w/ crew firing gun, LS shell landing in distance. 21:44:28 Flash intertitle re Italian Navy does its part. Submarine & away & crew prepares to dive; interior. Sub disappearing under water. 21:45:06 Flash intertitle re crew of Italian battleship; in white uniforms pose around heavy guns, waving hats. 21:45:40 Aerial of massed troops form shape of Italian Naval Ensign flag tricolor w/ crest. The Great War; Italian campaign; WW1 Documentary; Alps; 1918; Oddities; Horrors of War; 1910s; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: