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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1495-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: California,Mare Island,San Francisco
TC Begins: 10:00:05
TC Ends: 10:08:03
Duration: 00:07:58
1961 - SSBN-600 Theodore Roosevelt Commissioning LS Polaris submarine underway under Golden Gate suspension bridge at sunset or sunrise; Entrance to bay w/ small ships & incoming sub; a fishing boat leaving. incoming SSBN underway in bay. 10:01:58 MLS Starb'd beam view, DD, in silhouette, across bay from L to R; far shoreline in silhouette outlined against a grey sky. 10:02:32 MCU pan over heads of a arriving VIPs, crowd attending ceremony; officers boarding USS Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600) w/ crew at quarters. LS panning over heads of spectators w/ other officers arriving & submarine crew w/ Polaris MK-2 missile on board on display. 10:04:09 High angle CU of bow of SSBN, one sailor stands at attention next to Jack; tilt up to front of sail / conning tower & sailor standing on top. 10:04:30 Low angle CU MK-2 missile displayed on dock, tilt down, name "Lockhead" around its middle. Flag flying from SSBN, crewmen moving onto pier over brow / gangplank. 10:05:15 MS PAN, high- ranking officers going aboard ROOSEVELT for commissioning of sub. Shaking hands. Navy band playing. 10:06:50 MCU RADM w/ sword to podium to give his remarks. 10:07:05 MCU Unidt. RADM, also w/ sword, at podium giving his remarks during ceremony. 10:07:16 CU Sailor at the salute, colors flying from stern of sub, during commissioning. 10:07:21 MS Crew at quarters, pan to officers & chiefs also at the salute. 10:07:30 MCU USN ommander Oliver H. Perry Jr. at podium. 10:07:41 LS quarter view, ROOSEVELT during commission ceremony; zoom forward to officers & crew paraded on deck. Navy Commissioning Ceremony, Mare Island, California; 13Feb61; Nuclear Submarines; Naval Ships; Cold War;