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Enemy Japan, The Pt. 3: Dream of Empire R2 of 2

Reel Number: 220330-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1930s,1941

Country: Australia,Germany,Japan,Pacific Malaya,Philippines,Singapore,Thailand,USA

Location: Australia,Dutch East Indies,French Indochina,Philippines,Singapore

TC Begins: 13:13:01

TC Ends: 13:21:50

Duration: 00:08:49

The Enemy Japan, Pt. 3: Dream of Empire Dream of Empire R2 of 2 Map of Philippines. Street scenes - high angle shot of traffic, billboards, lumber & train of logs. Hemp drying, mining chromite & moving w/ hand carts; loading onto ship. Malaya & rubber tapping & drying. Tin mining w/ hand labor, Malaya. Loading US ship in Singapore docks; dry docks w/ British Naval ship. Dutch East Indies Java & Sumatra. Oil drilling, storage, peeling bark & making quinine drugs for malaria. 13:15:45 Dutch naval bases. Australia & resources - street scenes & industry. Mining w/ large open pit iron mines, milling factories. Sheep farming & shearing. Docks - ships loaded. 13:17:10 March 1941 Jap foreign minister welcomed to Berlin. Japanese flags flying from Brandenburg Gate - motorcade. Diplomats met by Goering, Hitler & other VIPS. Group after meeting on balcony. French turning over bases to Japan in Indochina w/o a fight. 13:19:04 Ships unloaded, troops advance into Indo-China on trucks, then w/ camouflage; road marker re Hanoi, 170 km. Natives surrendering. Japan at Thailand border. October, 1941 General Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister along w/ Admirals & Generals. Cabinet poses. Kenoye removed. Japanese Navy & ships, planes over. 13:21:05 Bombing of Pearl Harbor & ships burning. Pre-WWII Pacific; Invasions; Diplomacy; Propaganda; Natural Resources;

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