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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220825-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Japan,Singapore
Location: Singapore
TC Begins: 13:52:58
TC Ends: 14:02:58
Duration: 00:10:00
Japan Conquers Singapore Aerial of buildings by water & heavy black smoke in background. Guns firing l to r. Japanese gun crews. Map showing arrows to target. Boats moving in low light across Johore strait. CU of Japanese marching through mud, truck off ferry past camera, guns, tanks, troops moved up. Huge balloon moved through trees. 3-star gen Yamashita in conference. Troops along road; planes over & heavy smoke clouds. View from plane of fires. Captured Australians British & Indians with arms raised. Japanese airmen by field, damaged British planes. Japanese past camera. 3-Star Gen. Utaguchi on hill with binoculars. Japanese gun crew firing. Infantry put bayonets on rifle & advance. Search British soldier surrendering. Advance on road w/ equipment. Pay respects to grave of ?? Refugees. Gen. Percival & ?? surrendering w/ white flag. At table signing papers of surrender w/ Yamashita. Ford Company under camouflage. Small tanks through streets of ?? Japanese troops on bicycles.