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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221180-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Malaya,Singapore
TC Begins: 13:00:00
TC Ends: 13:10:06
Duration: 00:10:06
WWII - Singapore & Malaya: British Military Jungle Training; Malay Railroad; Thailand Border (ca 1942) Small tracked vehicle through rough jungle. Soldiers walk along fallen tree carrying rifles. Cross logged meadow walking on downed timber; falling into marshy bog and crossing onto bank. MCU crossing very muddy swamp. Sighting compass to get bearing in clearing & signaling direction. 13:03:57 Small tracked vehicle breaking thru jungle brush. 13:04:26 View across wide valley with distant large rock formations. Passenger train into Padang Besar station on Thai border. Troops patrol alongside; civilians off train, into immigration office (sign). Man at desk interviewing & stamping passport. Sign: 1st & 2nd Class Search Room - Females. Sign: Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur. Sign: Frontier of Thailand. Native Malay soldier patrolling at Thailand border. 13:07:28 native workers building forms for concrete border station? Truck to border crossing & gate raised. Men out of truck, others walk past. Papers handed to officials. Sign: Stop Immigration Examination Kedah. 13:09:17 View of temple across lake. Man carries bale of palm fronds and stacks. Pre-WW2 British Maneuvers; Southeast Asia; Colonialism; Oriental;