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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221672-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Kola Peninsula,Leningrad,Petersburg,sakha republic,St,Yakutsk
TC Begins: 03:20:43
TC Ends: 03:31:10
Duration: 00:10:27
Northern Lights R3 of 5 Men & women in bathing suits swim in freezing cold water, hole cut out of ice. People prepare yachts for Spring; last cross-country ski race before ice melts. Sun shining thru windows of children’s home - kids in row of beds. People in native dress of northern tribes dance & sing on stage. Boy of northern tribe, Sami or Yakut (?) leaves for first day of work fishing w/ father. 03:23:18 Good shots fishing boats heading out to sea on Summer day; boy hauls in nets w/ huge fish - sturgeon (?). Returning; moored boats. Interior of large underground caverns where fish packed in crates & stored. 03:26:11 Scientists from Institute of Permafrost Research drilling cavern walls - underground laboratories in Yakutsk - banks of monitoring equipment studied. Woman on sleigh pulled by reindeer. Aerial views reindeer herd across tundra. Helicopter lands on tundra, delivers letters from relatives in city. 03:29:21 Leningrad / St. Petersburg street scenes in Summer, canals, pedestrians; University students from North walk along banks of river. Athletic practice: boys doing outdoor callisthenics type exercises / warm-ups - shot-put - sprinting. Sami boy in university laboratory - studying Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis. INT geophysical station on Kola Peninsula - boy’s older friend at work w/ monitoring equipment. Russia / USSR; Travelogues; Ethnography; Extreme Weather; Geology; Arctic; Lapland; Ethnic; Geography; Cold; Polar; Climate; 1968; 1960s;