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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250178-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951,1950
Country: China,Japan,Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: ChonjuDong,Haneda,Suwon Area,Tokyo
TC Begins: 21:16:54
TC Ends: 21:27:25
Duration: 00:10:31
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950 - Korean War: Ground Fighting. 27Dec50-30Jan51; General Church & other VIPs, Leave Haneda AB 31Jan51 Slate: 27Dec50 Camera: ??. Soldiers advancing w/ rifles across frozen snowy paddies up over dikes; advancing past village huts. 21:17:38 M46 Patton tank across field, soldier in BG. Men resting in large canal / ditch. 21:17:54 Destroyed equipment, soldiers moving past on bare road; soldier working mine detector & Korean soldiers digging out mines. 21:18:24 Slate: 29Jan51 Roll 1, Cameraman: Marks. Soldiers slowly along bare frozen road in two columns. Enter small farming village. Patrolling along road; thru village Taking prisoners, searching. Infantry troops w/ rifles along ditch, hiding down in ditch, tank moving past. Soldier on walkie-talkie w/ map. 21:21:41 Slate. Troops run towards camera, tanks following. 21:21:54 Slate: 30Jan51 Tanks up muddy road, carrying troops; troops on stomachs w/ rifles & machine guns, village in background. Troops moving into village. 21:22:56 Koreans w/ bazookas on ditch bank, others advance past. 21:23:50 Slate: wounded leaning on broken concrete wall, helped by another. US tank past. Prisoners walked up road. Cold Winter Weather; Fighting; Battle; Army; South Koreans; 35th Infantry, North of Suwon; 2nd BN, 5th Regt, 1st Cavalry Division; 2nd BN, 5th Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division; 15th Regt, 1st ROK Div, Chonjudong. 21:24:49 Slate: 31Jan Project: Gen. Church. Camera: Dick T. Aoyama, Roll 1. General Barr boarding Pan American Sleeperette airplane. CUs Major General Barr; standing w/ General Church. General Church & ?? beside plane w/ tail no. N88958, shake hands. 21:25:55 Slate: Camera Aoyama #2, General Church. High angle / HA of people in airport doorway; MCU officers w/ wives or women. General Church walking to plane & boarding. 21:26 48 Slate: Shingleton Roll 1 31Jan51. Two women military officers / Army Nurses up airplane steps & waves good by at Haneda Airport. MATS plane door closed, plane taxiis. Military VIPS; Officers; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: