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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221779-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s,1960
Country: Japan,Spain,Switzerland,USA
Location: CapE Canaveral,Davos,DC,Florida,Tokyo,Washington
TC Begins: 10:06:49
TC Ends: 10:13:23
Duration: 00:06:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1960 - Space Program, USA: Pioneer V Launch, 11Mar60; Spanish Rescue; Japan Prince; Columbian Artifacts; Ping-Pong Championship; Skating Chimpanzee Main title. Intertitle: Space Pioneer - Passes Venus, Enters Orbit Around The Sun 10:07:08 LS Showing 3 rocket gantries. 11Mar60 Tilt down Thor-Able rocket waiting for launch, launch & following. 10:07:32 Large Britain Jodrell Bank Lovell Radio Telescope receiving dish; interior w/ scientist / technician at electronic console, CUs control panel. Counter counting, Oscilloscope w/ spinning wave form (?). Dr. Adolph K. Thiel explaining program to Project Mercury astronauts. 10:07:55 MS 3 unid. men in military uniform. Thiel at microphone w/ satellite models of Pioneer V turning behind, SOF: “To the best of my knowledge I think this is the one achievement that even the Russians haven’t produced today. 10:08:09 Intertitle: News In Brief - Spain. LS Spanish & American rescue team climbing snow covered peak in Sierra Nevada range w/ litters. US Navy Transport, tail number 56521, intact but partially buried in snow; all survived. 10:08:38 Interior w/ survivors wrapped n blankets. Some strapped to stretchers & begin descent. 10:09:12 Intertitle - Japan. 18 day old prince Naruhito leaving hospital carried by mother Princess Michiko, women watching; mother & child in back of car. 10:09:42 Intertitle - Florida. Two men looking at exterior statue at University of Miami’s exhibit of Colombian Art. Interior w/ poster & guests at reception view statue & objects in large glass display cases. Woman placing labels. CU objects. LS woman arranging display in front of banner: 3500 Years of Colombian Art. MCU pan of objects, VO: “sponsored by International Petroleum Company...worthy step toward Pan-American understanding & goodwill.” 10:10:36 Intertitle: Sports - Washington, DC. LS of ping-pong players in 30th National Table Tennis Championships. Doubles playing; Game winners & audience applauding. Singles game won by Marty Riesman. Congratulations & handshaking. 10:12:08 Intertitle: Switzerland. LS across two large ice skating rinks; MCU Chimpanzee sitting on bench, man putting ice skates on him, spectators, skating alongside man & then skating alone thru crowd of skaters. Skating backwards, twirled; jumps upside down & flips, does barrel jumping. 10:13:09 Intertitle: Who Will Win the “Oscars?” Don’t Miss The Academy Awards, NBC TV, Radio Monday ?? April 4th. - The End. Cold War; Research; Space Probe; Space Race; Japanese Royalty; 1960s; NOTE: Part or all sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: