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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250080-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964
Country: Germany,Japan,USA
Location: Munich,Tokyo
TC Begins: 14:00:01
TC Ends: 14:17:33
Duration: 00:17:32
Pt 1 of 2 Train under overpass; man, Nick McCrados in compartment w/ German newspaper, runby; Tokyo business street, narrow residential street & taxi w/ music hall dancer Tamoko Kimoro pays taxi, gets change. 14:01:25 Istanbul street w/ Muzzein on mosque, Janos w/ cigarette looking at airport, watches man arrive off plane, asks for light & then sees message in box of matches. All spies. 14:03:01 Titles. 14:03:25 Man out of cab, into Pentagon past Mall Entrance sign. CU turning combination lock on classified file cabinet, speaks to camera, SOF: “These cases have been taken from the files of Army Intelligence Corps, the Office of Special Investigation...names & locations have been altered....You’ll recognize the way a Sino-Soviet agent operates...loneliness, indebtedness, desire for sex, easy money or the sporting life... 14:05:20 First, the case of Nick... CU still. Taxi from Munich railroad station, wander in crowd. Street scenes, GIs into bar. Nick at table, GIs enter, people dancing & band playing; buys Peta & another GI a drink & to sit w/ him, says he wants to write an article for hometown newspaper & offers to pay them: “How much?” Sit in empty bar & he gives them money. 14:07:46 Sleazy narrow street, interior & exchanging envelopes for money. Nick interrupts Pete & blonde, asks for M-14 rifle, GIs argue. Nick leaves, they drink a beer “Here’s to McCrados. 14:09:47 Soldier at desk, 4pm on clock, leaves room & guy into room & gets key & leaves; opens Arms Room locks & unlocks rifle cabinet, takes one. Night & out of building, gives to Nick in car. More thefts. 14:12:33 Ext hotel & outdoor cafe, man introduces himself to Nick at table, leaves newspaper w/ photograph of mortar which Nick shows to GIs, Pete says impossible & tries to leave; Nick threatens to blackmail him. 14:14:25 CU fence sign: Restricted Area Verbotenes Gelaende. Pete laying on bed thinking. Pete & friend fight: “You’re not cutting out... Pete talking to his Commanding Officer / CO. 14:15:09 Nick, GI & blondes drinking in apartment, German police & US agents break in & arrest them. 14:15:45 CU narrator: “In one year alone more than 2000 Communist agents were caught in West Germany...between 1950 & 1960 more than 19000 confessed to espionage missions...” talks about East Germany’s MFS resources for espionage & buying information. Talks of Z2, Polish branch Armed Forces, & information that’s kept of US officers. Continued... 1960s; Cold War; Spies; Spying; Communist Agents; Anti-Communism; Anti-American; Europe; 1964 Germany; Fiction Film; Staged;