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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221721-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:30:18
TC Ends: 02:43:11
Duration: 00:12:53
1970 ca - Coal Mine Exterior; People Sunning in Park; Fishermen; Truck Stop Pt. 1 of 2 Low electric coal cars carrying men out of coal mine entrance; miners standing beside, board & past. 02:31:56 Coal car dumping in large drum, pulled out. 02:32:41 Mounted park policeman talking to young couple sunning on hillside grass, watch large shaggy dog. Rides thru brush, stops on path. Other young people walking about, one w/ frisbee; woman & child on park bench w/ baby carriage & dog. Mother & several kids, girl throws stick for dog. Various couples sunning, laying on grass. Long haired couple pushing bicycles past. 02:35:09 Family w/ two young children having picnic on bench w/ cloth & basket, car parked nearby. GOOD 02:36:34 Three fishermen walking along path w/ fishing poles & tackle boxes into woods from parking lot Family w/ station wagon; other fishermen on path. Returning. Men fishing in stream. 02:38:19 Truck stop parking lot w/ semi- trucks, tractor & trailers turning, leaving, parking. Pan trucks, scales sign. Trucks pulling out; trucking company trailers: Branch; Estes; Johnson. Pulling in; pan parked trucks, Texaco sign in background. Driver out; others walk to trucks. 02:42:40 U-haul truck, car parked. Woman walking dogs beside road. Zoom back to show cars in rest area 02:42:52 Traffic passing on interstate highway, car pulling U-haul trailer. 02:42:59 Cars into rest area, past parked U-Haul truck, men standing beside. 1960s; 1970s; Daily Life; Americana; Color; Moving; NOTE: Sell any continuous fifteen minutes of both parts at per reel rate.