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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221389-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947
Country: USA
Location: California,Hollywood,Los Angeles,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 00:51:28
TC Ends: 00:59:46
Duration: 00:08:18
Power Behind The Nation Pt. 1 of 2 (Main title missing) Presented by Motion Picture Association of America / Prod. by Warner Bros. for US Treasury Dept. Early shots of settlers arriving on sailing ship; leaving ship. Frontier men; women sewing flag; covered wagons crossing prairie w/ sunset behind. Constructing log cabins & camping, clearing. Stagecoach shots & wagons over prairies. Railroad construction & trains passing on prairie. (GOOD) 00:52:22 Men leaving steelmill & interior. NYC & Los Angeles street scenes. Montage: Ranching shots, fishermen w/ nets, tobacco growers, laborers, artist, family at dinner table, kids picking potatoes, calisthenics, exercising, men & women working at various industries. 00:53:19 Glass blowing and forming. 00:53:33 Montage of steel industry, agriculture, motors, smokestacks & steam. Smoke and furnaces. 00:54:06 Assembly lines; manufacturing pipes. Harbor shot of tugs, loading trucks, auto assembly lines. Combines on railroad. k Steel mill interiors. k Refinery. 00:54:52 Textile mills, waterfalls & train past. Coal miners coming out of mine, long coal train, machine inside coal mine tunnel & man operating coal cutter. Man placing charge & dynamiting underground. Various products off assembly line. Steel mill, coal fired. Pouring steel. Chimneys. 00:56:23 Men out of coal mine; open pit iron mine; granite quarry; oil field. Dumping coal car. More shots of guarry, blasting in open pit mine & shoveling with giant shovel. Aluminum smelter, pouring steel & drawing. Spinning wires into large cables. 00:57:40 Man climbing large tree & topping, swinging back & forth. Cutting redwoods w/ axes & falling it. Multiple shots. Redwood mill, pine mill; cutting timbers into planks. Home building; pulpwood stacked. Moving rolls of paper & newspaper printing with colored ink. Men reading magazines, engineers in broadcasting center of radio studio. 00:59:22 Movie studio exterior; western set; interior w/ large crane and set. Interior of screening room / theater. Outside on village set. Post-WWII Propaganda; Myths; Capitalism; Productivity; Technicolor; Hollywood; Communications; Heavy Industry; Patriotism; 1940s Technology;