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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221467-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917
Country: USA
TC Begins: 12:00:46
TC Ends: 12:11:19
Duration: 00:10:33
The Station Master - With Billy West (Chaplin Imitator) Silent movie. Part Two continued Title: Any old Ford in a storm. Couple (Villain & woman) steal car from outside station. Flat tire. Car thieves run into railway station, (MCU) West as ticket agent gives two tickets for car. 12:03:00 Oliver Hardy has shiny new car delivered, goes into house. West leaves station. Car thief runs for last train; misses it. West mistakes Hardy’s new car for his, drives off & picks up girl. 12:05:06 Hardy finds car missing, reports it stolen. 12:05:46 West returns to station; car thief attempting to rob safe, hides behind door when West enters. West opens safe and takes out bucket of coal, fills stove. Leave’s in car w/ girl. 12:06:38 Police out of station realize their car has been stolen as well; get a cab. Hardy tries to stop West in car but doesn’t. Joins police in cab. 12:07:21 West parks outside restaurant. Int. gag as waiter holds out hand for tip & West uses as it as ashtray. Police & Hardy enter restaurant looking for West, pantomime description. West sees them, grabs girl & leaves. Thief turns up, argues w/ West & tries to drive off in Hardy’s new car. Hardy sees & gets police who congratulate West for catching car thief. Give him reward. Hardy invites girl to go for ride & she leaves West; but he ignores Hardy, climbs in car too & Hardy drives them away. She tells Hardy she was only fooling & makes up; they kiss, West gives her the money & walks off to station, waves goodbye & climbs on railroad boxcar. The End. Slapstick Comedy; Imitation; Villain; Melodramatic Acting; 1910s; 1917; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate.