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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220452-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:45:06
TC Ends: 23:01:34
Duration: 00:16:28
Making Upholstery Cloth Intertitle. Rows of bobbins spools of yarn unwound by machine / loom. 22:46:23 CU worker taking off spools. Intertitle re comparing ‘roving” and yarn. CU both pulled till break. 22:46:52 Intertitle: Winding the yarn from the bobbins to the ‘Jack Spool”. Man checking yarn feeding vertically. 22:47:25 Intertitle: Six of these spools are wound onto...spool called Section Beam. Very large spool winding. Intertitle: Eight Section Beams...make up a Ford warp. Thread going through. Intertitle: re threading the harness which moves warp ends up & down in the loom. Seated man pulling ends thru eye. CUs. Men install warp & harness in loom. Manually tie / knot ends of yarn to leader apron. Automated loom in operation. Broken yarn threaded. 22:50:51 Shuttle put in place, seen speeding from one end to another. Cloth seen growing in loom. Removing rolls of cloth & sewing into strip. Burling shears / machine to remove surface knots & irregularity from both sides of cloth. Fulling (sic) cloth & results. 22:54:20 Intertitle re cloth laid in even folds for finishing operations. Soaping & washing; cloth automatically pulled thru large vats w/ water sprayed on it & pulled thru dryer & manual inspection. Shearing machine & manual inspection after shearing. Automatic brushing, sprinkling, pressing & storage rack to even out process. 22:57:36 Intertitle. CU finished product; rolls tied & weighed, then put on pile. Small sample taken & truck takes rolls away. 22:59:42 Intertitle. Lab tests measure tensile strength by pulling fabric, CU as it breaks. Dial of strength applied shown. Extreme CU torn cloth. Testing machine for thread strength & CUs. Textile Industry; Upholstery Manufacturing; NOTE: Entire process shown, mostly done w/ machines. Shows very few workers involved. NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate. Good quality.