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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220452-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: USA
Location: Michigan
TC Begins: 22:31:48
TC Ends: 22:33:29
Duration: 00:01:41
1920s - Aviation, Military: US Army Air Service Aerials of Airbase & Recruiting Title 22:31:48 LS passing beneath planes in flight. May be picture inverted. 22:32:17 Aerials over military base & hangers along lake. View from biplane along airstrip at low level; other military planes alongside. 22:33:19 Flash frame title: EARN while you learn. Enlist in the air-service, the highest paid branch of the army. Offers training in 41 skilled trades. $30 to $121.50 per month. Wholesome food, clean quarters, clothing, medical attention, dental work and trade training FREE. Produced by Ford Motor Company. 22:33:20 LS aircraft approach and landing NOTE: If requested will provide 22:33:31 - 22:38:30 (2 cards) at per reel rate.