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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221196-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: USA
Location: Dearborn,Michigan,river rouge plant
TC Begins: 13:32:29
TC Ends: 13:39:25
Duration: 00:06:56
Early Assembly Line; Ship at River Rouge; Crushing Scrap Men; Workers Leaving Ford Factory Assembly line w/ tour going past as men add wheels & parts to chassis. Men carrying parts to cars, no overhead conveyors. 13:33:16 Ship at dock being unloaded of logs (?) by two cranes. 13:33:59 Int. of large steel furnace area w/ men working. Ext. of smoking chimneys & large factories w/ trucks past. LS of factory buildings, steam trains past in foreground w/ coal or ore cars. 13:34:43 Very large hydraulic piston crushing & shearing auto bodies in press to recycle metal. Large scrap steel or automobiles or railroad cars or ?? seen entering, then being cut into pieces. Piston slowly raised. Men seen working in background giving scale. 13:37:53 Test driving Model A convertible across frozen ground at high speed. 13:38:03 Workers leaving factory changing shifts at overpass in late 1920s passing each other. Winter time & men and boys leaving factory pass security gate, Ford Motor Company on sign behind. Blacks and whites. Newspaper vendors sell papers to men leaving. Overpass. Automobile Industry; Factory; Cars Assembled; Early Ford Mass Production Line; Laborers; Ethnic Migration;