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Ford 1982 Pouring Molten Metal & Grinding; Forming Metal Prototype

Reel Number: 221315-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1982

Country: Germany


TC Begins: 07:33:12

TC Ends: 07:36:12

Duration: 00:03:00

Ford 1982 Pouring Molten Metal & Grinding; Forming Metal Prototype Lead or ?? into mold from large bucket; man moving w/ bright shiny molten metal. 07:33:37 Man grinding. 07:33:43 Large forming press opens & two men remove part. 07:33:51 Man forming metal w/ hammer & cold chisel; another moving part under power hammer to form. Man welding w/ large arc spot welder. Men move large integrated frame parts & body panels into place & spot welder set-ups being measured & tested for robot welding. Notes written. Welds made & view of auto body from circling camera. Automobile Engineering Construction; Research; Engineers; Metal Fabricators; Design

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