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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220260-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:21:22
TC Ends: 11:29:11
Duration: 00:07:49
Ford Camping Trip Campsite & cars parked beneath trees. Pan over Ford, Burroughs & tents behind. Harvey Firestone, Jr washing behind as Burroughs & Firestone talk. Edison washing face. Harvey Firestone Sr. talks to Edison. Ford chopping wood as boys watch. Burroughs walking along edge of jetty. Edison with hammer & Chisel on stone as others watch. Firestone & Ford take turn. Pan over woods with electric lines visible to tents. Camping cars seen. Ford climbing down from tree. Firestone, Edison, Burroughs and Ford walking & talking. Cars in stump field with tents pitched. Ford & Edison talking with mountains & valley behind. Firestone walks up; Burroughs walks up. 1910s.