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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221537-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: brookpark,Ohio
TC Begins: 21:35:58
TC Ends: 21:43:27
Duration: 00:07:29
Technique For Tomorrow Part 1 of 3 Ford Motor Company Foundry Plant and steam engine, men going to work, placing steel framework w/ crane. 21:36:47 Steam whistle (5 seconds); title sequence. 21:37:09 Bus and workers cars in large parking lot Brookpark, Ohio. Foundry and Engine Plant. Men into locker room & changing clothes. Walking to work stations. 21:38:36 Operating large machines, drilling in automobile engine plant, CU of switches and buttons. Conveyor lines w/ pistons overhead. 21:39:21 Man w/ stethoscope listening. Other quality control instruments. 6 cylinder engines coming off assembly line. 21:40:08 Sand delivered for castings, moved from storage to driers etc on conveyor belts. Checking muller machine mixing sand w/ oil and cereal. 21:41:29 Moved to Core room by pneumatic tubes. Control panel. 21:42:03 Cores to ovens for baking & then brought out and assembled. Cores and molds assembled. Automobile parts manufacturing; 1950s; Working class; Machine operators; Inspectors; NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.