Technique For Tomorrow Part 3 of 3
Man in power house w/ gages; security guard at gate; metallurgy laboratory; quality control; safety inspector; doctor, nurses in hospital. Switchboard. Men running lift truck and logging in equipment.
21:55:57 New vacuum machine sweeping floor; men pulling tool kits on wheels. Final assembly on conveyor. Cranking to turn over engine blocks & men attaching fuel pump and other parts.
21:57:25 Engine start up and testing. Men designing new machine to replace repetitious jobs. Training classroom w/ man at blackboard.
21:59:19 Apprentice toolmakers; apprentice electricians, etc. CUs.
22:00:15 Men leaving plant after shift, through gates, across parking lot. Driving out w/ factory behind. The End.
Automation; Automobile Assembly Plant; 1950s Manufacturing; Black workers; Ford Motor Company;
NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.
Technique For Tomorrow Part 3 of 3 Man in power house w/ gages; security guard at gate; metallurgy laboratory; quality control; safety inspector; doctor, nurses in hospital. Switchboard. Men running lift truck and logging in equipment. 21:55:57 New vacuum machine sweeping floor; men pulling tool kits on wheels. Final assembly on conveyor. Cranking to turn over engine blocks & men attaching fuel pump and other parts. 21:57:25 Engine start up and testing. Men designing new machine to replace repetitious jobs. Training classroom w/ man at blackboard. 21:59:19 Apprentice toolmakers; apprentice electricians, etc. CUs. 22:00:15 Men leaving plant after shift, through gates, across parking lot. Driving out w/ factory behind. The End. Automation; Automobile Assembly Plant; 1950s Manufacturing; Black workers; Ford Motor Company; NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.