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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221218-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: USA
Location: Daytona,FL
TC Begins: 19:13:22
TC Ends: 19:27:59
Duration: 00:14:37
Triumph At Daytona MPO for Lincoln-Mercury Division, Ford Motor Co. Speedway race in progress at Daytona, crowds. Same track but w/ empty grandstand, small group of Ford cars doing circuits. POV back from car at others. VO explains “Comet Durability Test” - cars cover 100,000 mile run to challenge speed & distance records & aid research & development. CU car labeled w/ sanctioning authority FIA-ACCUS. 19:15:00 NASCAR flag. CU Comet V8 engine; mechanics prepare cars for race; officials check cars confirm to safety regulations. Crews & personnel pose for photo & briefing in front of Daytona grandstand inc. NASCAR officials & Longines timers. Driver teams on 21Sep63 Cars begin race past green flag. PoVs from front of cars. Timers working in mobile timing unit using Longines equipment. 19:18:03 Driver relays performance information to engineer over radio MOS. Pit stop scenes - driver changeover - VO re NASCAR regulations - “maintenance procedures are those used in the Comet owners manual”. PoV driving at night. Signboard gives average speed for first 48 hrs as 107.6 mph. Day & night scenes cars doing laps intercut w/ shots of pit stops, timers, information boards giving distances & speeds - 50,000 miles reached - cars race through torrential rain. 19:23:49 CUs drivers eating meal. VO re vars world records broken so far. CU instrument panel clicks over to 100,000 miles. 19:26:26 Lead car crosses finishing line past checkered flag - other three follow - 40 days after race began. VO summarizes achievements of durability test. Automobile Industry; Stock Car Racing; Promotional Films; Stunts; Endurance Testing; 1960s; 1963;