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Unique War, The Pt 1 of 3

Reel Number: 220488-06

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1960s,1970s

Country: Vietnam


TC Begins: 06:15:57

TC Ends: 06:23:54

Duration: 00:07:57

The Unique War Pt 1 of 3 re American helping ordinary Vietnamese in Vietnam War. Narrated by Commander Glenn Ford, USNR - Dir. For Armed Forces information & education Dept of Defense Map South Vietnam. Montage: MCUs soldiers; sailor; marine; signalman; Korean troops disembarking off ship; Australian soldier. Officer reads out letter from commanding officer to troops urging good behaviour towards Vietnamese. Shots of tired soldiers at attention. 06:17:55 Troops off truck. Briefing in class; out of helicopter. POV from plane, Vietnam landscape & jungle. Bomb craters. LS village. Villagers. Map of Korea w/ battle line movements animated. B/W destroyed town. COL of Vietnam map. GIs on ship w/ guns. Search carried out by Vietnamese troops on fishing boat. Troops rush out of helicopters. Troops moving forward. Vietnamese farm girl with cows. Child carrying lamp. Rice paddy w/ ducks nearby village - daily life of laundry, cleaning outside hut, kid killing small snake, cooking, pulling water from well, kindling fire in hut, women chatting; selling vegetables. 06:22:44 GIs out of transport plane; strafing jungle; dropping bombs & explosions in jungle. Napalm. Dead or wounded Vietnamese tended by Americans after terrorist attack. Burning city. Vietnam War; Hearts & Minds; Propaganda; Military Educational Film; 1960s; 1970s; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes from entire film (3 cards) sold at per reel rate.

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