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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220435-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917,1919,1921
Country: USA
Location: New York City,Pittsburgh, Pa,St Lawrence
TC Begins: 00:08:55
TC Ends: 00:15:52
Duration: 00:06:57
Various Excerpts Ford Collection Pittsburgh Pennsylvania - partial - car along road. Highland Park Zoo - bears in cages - llama. 00:09:18 Islands of the St Lawrence - wealthy family boarding motor launch. POV from boat of landscapes and affluent housing behind trees along river - mansion w/ moored yacht - boat house. 00:13:22 Over The East River - New York City - bridges - traffic - suspension bridge - tram / train over bridge. POV train going over bridge. Traffic and pedestrians over bridge. Various shots transport on bridge. Shipping in harbour seen from bridge. 00:15:18 Chewing gum manufacture - man with sack of Chicle, testing. Interior factory - worker at gum machinery. 1910s / 1920s. Travelogues.