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Where Were You? Pt. 2 of 3

Reel Number: 221142-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 04:52:30

TC Ends: 05:03:02

Duration: 00:10:32

Where Were You? Pt. 2 of 3 MPO Prods. Presented as a Public Service by Ford Motor Company Campaign montage - people putting on ‘Women for Doakes’ pin badges. Meeting in town hall - volunteers given pep talk by party leader - voting statistics on blackboard showing how small the majority can be. 04:55:59 Couple from Part 1 “The Do Nothings” - in suburban home w/ son - mother asks him to shut window as campaign car passes - “I’ll be so glad when this election’s over” - “these politicians cause more of a rumpus than a dogfight”. Son asks father why he doesn’t run for office & points out that Lincoln was a politician - father rebuffs all his questions - “he was really more of a statesman”. 04:57:53 Volunteers for Doakes’ party conducting door-to-door surveys & handing out leaflets - some take it, one man slams door. Presenter Joseph Welch to camera re variety of voters & their motivation - importance of women’s vote. 05:00:20 Doakes attending meeting of local women’s group to encourage their vote - aide takes him to one side to remind him of next commitment - “there are twenty women waiting for you over at Mrs Pentland’s”. Presenter Joseph Welch talks re sense of shared purpose & unity felt by party workers & volunteers - rewarding experience missed by those who “hold themselves aloof” - volunteers chatting during break - Joseph Welch re purpose of primary elections - Doakes through unopposed when other candidates could have been put forward. Politics. Voting. Democratic Process. Local Government. 1950s. Elections; Democracy; Stereotype

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