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1950s - North Korea, Officials Greet USSR VIPs; Parades; Signing ????

Reel Number: 250062-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1940s,1950s

Country: DpRK,North Korea,USA

Location: Pyongyang

TC Begins: 03:02:10

TC Ends: 03:09:51

Duration: 00:07:41

1950s - North Korea, Officials Greet USSR VIPs; Parades; Signing ???? LS Parade across snow covered plaza w/ men & flags leading; tall circular tower in background. 03:02:19 Steam trains in railroad station, large group of North Korean soldiers. 03:02:33 MS high angle of Russian & Korean military VIPs greeted on railroad platform. Talking, listening; women w/ bouquets; holding banner poles. MCU USSR VIPs shaking hands, children around; waving from train past crowd. 03:03:19 POV train past hillside, factory. NOTE: Kim Il Sung maybe talking to USSR VIP as train passes factory & alongside river; into tunnel. 03:03:56 High angle of sign on railroad station platform; people on platform w/ flags, pan to army trucks behind. Bouquets given to USSR Vips. CU beneath portraits of Stalin & Kim Il Sung. Pan crowd listening to Russian. Russian w/ flowers waves to crowd gets in cars, leaving. POV past North Koreans on roadside. 03:05:03 Summertime. Wide canal or ??, views of small farm fields. 03:05:10 Men & women in white march along city streets w/ banners, large illustrations of leaders. Elaborate logos etc. Singing while marching. 03:05:31 Pan over military soldiers in tight formations at attention; cavalry; troops w/ anti-aircraft guns; others standing beside motorcycles w/ side cars & standing by tanks & armored equipment. GOOD CUs. 03:07:26 Officer on horseback riding past saluting. 03:07:58 Sd. begins. Pan to sign & crowd inside auditorium applauding. Man to podium, intercut speaker & audience w/ hands raised in communist salute. Men on podium signing agreement . MS of many signing. 03;08:55 LS of men on dais w/ portrait of Stalin & Kim Il Sung behind & flags of USSR & North Korea. 03:08:59 Workers outside steel mill listening, applauding; others signing elsewhere. Families, children in uniform, department store workers; others. North Korea Daily Life; 1940s; 1950; NOTE: Does not match description at NARA. The above description matches our footage.

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