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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250132-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Korea,USA
Location: DC,Lake Success,New York,Washington
TC Begins: 00:31:15
TC Ends: 00:35:03
Duration: 00:03:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title. 00:31:21 Defense officials arriving White House including Secretary of State Marshall, Dean Acheson. CU two still photographers. 00:31:41 President Truman at press conference. 00:31:50 MCU Truman speaking, SOF: “The forces of the United Nations are in Korea to put down an aggression that threatens not only the whole fabric of the United Nations, but all human hopes of peace & justice. If the United Nations yields to the forces of aggression, no nation will be safe or secure. If aggression is successful in Korea we can expect it to spread throughout Asia & Europe & to this hemisphere. We are fighting in Korea for our own National Security & survival. We have committed ourselves to the cause of a just & peaceful world order thru the United Nations. We stand by that commitment.” Swish pan... 00:32:33 Explosions & burning huts in wide valley w/ large explosions. Troops running, tanks moving up; firing. Soldiers firing rifles. Swish pan... 00:33:08 Pan of United Nations Security Council meeting, MCU of Chinese Communist delegation. Republic of Korea delegate speaking (MOS). Empty seats, nameplate of Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China. 00:33:35 SOF of South Korean delegate Ben C. Limb: “I point my finger at these representatives of the Chinese Communist regime, and I ask why do they come here w/ unclean hands? I ask again, why does this group come here w/ the hands that drip with blood? The blood of the United Nations’ troops, the blood of the Korean people? 00:34:07 LS of meeting. Jacob Maliik in MCU; Warren Austin in MCU. LS of hall. 00:34:30 Warren Austin, SOF: “It is no exaggeration to say that problem is the gravest problem to now confronting the world; that problem is this: will there be peace or war in the Far East? The world waits anxiously the answer to this question.” Korean War; Dec50; 1950; Anti-Communist; Atomic Bomb Threatened; Cold War; NOTE: Very good quality sound statements. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Will provide 00:31:15 - 00:38:12 if requested at per reel rate NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: