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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221683-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
Location: Las Vegas,Nevada
TC Begins: 00:46:28
TC Ends: 00:56:37
Duration: 00:10:09
1952 - Atomic Test, Las Vegas Scenes; Tumbler Charlie, 22Apr52 Staged. Roulette table w/ gamblers placing chips as pit-boss watches; someone bumps table & upsets chips. MCU man complaining. CU chips all mixed up & hands trying to gather them. 00:47:04 Two women sitting at bar talking to bar tender; sign: Flamingo’s A-Bomb, $1. PUts large cocktail onto bar w/ two straws & they sip on them. 00:47:20 MCU sipping & smiling at camera, photographer in corner of frame taking picture as drink bubbles & steams. CU drink sign by glasses. 00:47:38 Old-timer w/ burros & covered wagon w/ sign: Here comes’ Jack; billboard behind. Chicken, dog & goat sitting on back of burros. Bearded old-timer points at sky. CUs. Driving off on wagon w/ sign on side: See America Fast. 00:48:47 View across Nevada desert, truck & bus convoy moving away from camera. 00:49:01 Newsmen, journalists & cameramen at ?? People sitting on folding chairs in front of rock bluff. 00:49:12 Soldiers (?) in helmets at teletype machines lining table & benches. Reporters & army officers standing about, cameras on tripods. Hand made sign: News Nob Nevada. Cameramen beside adjusting lenses. 00:49:51 View from top of rocks across newsmen & dry (?) lake. Cameramen w/ handheld cameras. Dark glasses / goggles being handed out & put on. CUs of cameramen at cameras. 00:50:32 Sign: Universal staked his claim here April 20, 52. Recorded 3-22-52. 00:50:50 White flash, mushroom cloud rising, tilt up w/ telephoto lens. Cameraman running camera & looking away. 00:51:48 Policemen, 3-star army officer briefing reporters. Newsmen follow officer. Sitting interviewed (MOS). 00:52:55 Air Force cameramen w/ cameras in side of plane/ 00:53:03 Various shots of newsmen beside rocks. Explosion in distance w/ mushroom cloud becoming white & rising w/ stem forming & large dust cloud beneath. Closer shot. GLOOD Nevada Atomic Bomb Tests; 1952; Atmospheric Testing; Atmosphere Tests; Tumbler Charlie Shot; Firsts; NOTE: 3447 Foot Airdrop from B-50 yielding 31 kt. First test to be broadcast live on television.