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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250173-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1959,1950s
Country: Korea,USA
Location: Arizona,Williams AFB
TC Begins: 10:00:08
TC Ends: 10:10:12
Duration: 00:10:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1959 - USAF, Korean War Aces Reunion: Armed Forces Day, Williams AFB, Arizona. 16May59 R1 of 2 Slate: MAC 9 52/977 SABA. MS Lockheed F-104 Starfighter FO-919 taxiing. CUs faces. ECU F-11F-1 / F-11 Grumman Tiger w/ Blue Angel & Cdr Zeb Knott. MS Civilian test pilot Robert Hoover climbing down from F-100 Super Sabre cockpit. 10:00:39 CU rear of leather jacket w/ Blue Angel. CUs kids watching. MS North American F-86 Sabrejet. ECU sign: F-86 Korean Air Superiority Fighter, tilt up to spectators. CU boy looking into F-86 cockpit. 10:01:21 Slate: MAC 10 52/977 SABA. Five pilots walk past F-100 Super Sabres on flight line. Pilot & ground crewman circle F-11. Blue Angle pilot Captain Stoney Mayock into F-11 cockpit, helped ground crewman. Lt. Herb Hunter helped, puts on helmet. Engines start & taxii. CU sign: Base Operations, Williams AFB, Elevation 1350. ECU Tactical Air Command insignia. CU Guide to Base pamphlet. 10:03:37 Enlisted personnel marching in parade passing around camera w/ Color Guard. 10:03:58 CUs of Korean War Jet Aces: Col. George L. Jones, Col. George I. Ruddell, Maj. Ralph S. Parr, Jr., Col. Winton W. Marshall, Col. Harrison R. Thyng, Capt. James F. Low, Maj. Ralph D. Gibson, Lt. Col. William T. Whisner, Jr., and Lt. Col. Robinson Risner. Arizona Governor Paul Fannin & two civilians. 10:04:46 Gen. O.P. Weyland speaking at base of F-86 monument. Mrs. Netterblad & Lt. Gen. Salyards sitting w/ civilians & officers. Family standing. 10:05:51 MS Captain leading troops in prayer, Maj. Gen. Chester E. McCarty & Gen. O.P. Weyland hold caps over hearts. McCarty & Weyland salute, Mrs. Netterblad standing beside them, pan left to CU of plaque: Dedicated to the USAF Fighter Pilots Who Gave Their Lives In The Cause of Freedom During The Korean Action, 1950-1953. 10:06:17 Low angle / LA of fly-by of F-86 Sabrejets from under wings of F-86 monument. ECU Mrs. Netterblad talking w/ Korean Jet Aces; she embraces one of them. Aces pose at monument base w/ Gen. Weyland & 3 unid. civilians. 10:07:03 HA pan right across tarmac w/ people & planes: C-124, B-47, F-11, F-100 and C-118 aircraft on exhibit, F-104 taking off in bg. ELS pan right w/ F-86 taking off. ELS pan right w/ F-86 flying by & dropping explosive / skip bombing demonstration. 10:07:44 HA of people around aircraft: F-100, T-33, F-104, F-86, F-11 & C-118 aircraft. LS Simulated atomic blast beyond runway. GOOD. F-86 & F-84 Thunderjet dogfight. 10:08:36 MS pan left w/ F-11 Blue Angel aircraft taxiing in front of crowd. Fly by of F-104 & intercept by F11F-1. Stunting by F11F-1 Blue Angel fliers w/ smoke & tight formation flying. SLATE: M.K. BUCHER. WILLIAMS AFB, ARIZONA. 2' MS SV of group on reviewing stand, including Governor Fannin, Gen. Weyland, Maj. Gen. Frank Robinson, Mrs. Netterblad, and Maj. Gen. McCarty watching enlisted men parade by. Military Propaganda; Aviation Exhibition; Air Show; 1950s; NOTE: F-11 was originally designated F11F-1 from 1955 until 1962. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: