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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220717-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
TC Begins: 18:00:11
TC Ends: 18:09:23
Duration: 00:09:12
Duck and Cover Archer Productions / rel. Castle Films. Civil Defense film w/ some animation sponsored by US Federal Civil Defense Administration. Cartoon - Turtle walking down road - taking cover inside shell. 18:01:34 Actuality - children in school classroom practice what to do in the event of a nuclear / atomic attack - Duck and Cover under desks. 18:01:50 Other dangers - Fire department - men down pole and into fire engines. Traffic - policeman on traffic / point duty - cars - Crossing signal lights. 18:02:22 Children listening to teacher - effects of atomic bomb - animation shows aftermath of bomb. 18:02:59 Mother putting ointment on boys sunburn - children in class taught to duck and cover. Teacher explains about atomic attack with warning - pix radar dishes civil defence offices, men on telephones, spotters on rooftops. Air Raid drill, children playing in school yard, siren sounds - kids into building to take shelter. Children playing at home when siren sounds - kids go into house. Girl walking along street when alarm sounds, asks older person where to go for shelter - Sign re Public Shelter. 18:05:01 Simulated atomic explosion without warning. Suburban houses - film flashes. Animation turtle Duck and Cover. Older children in school teach young ones how to Duck and Cover in corridors, away from windows. Duck and cover under tables. Mother kisses children goodbye as they leave house. Brother and sister walking along street - show how to duck and cover. Boy on bicycle - shows how to duck and cover. Civil defence worker helps boy. School bus - duck and cover under seats. 18:07:50 Family on picnic - flash - all duck under tablecloth. Farmer on tractor shows how to Duck and Cover. Cold War - Atomic Fears / Paranoia - 1950s; Children in School; Animation; Animated; NOTE: Song Bert The Turtle was released later & copyright renewed in 1979; HOWEVER it may be different version. User must sort out whether music is copyright or not.