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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221574-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: California,Camp Pendleton
TC Begins: 09:17:52
TC Ends: 09:25:59
Duration: 00:08:07
First Fleet Exercises, Camp Pendleton ca Nov61 LST w/ bow doors open seen from LVT away from LST. Crew member w/ aerial; LVTs alongside toward beach, Camp Pendleton. CU Turret of Marine tank; amphibious tanks towards shore. 09:18:38 White puffs exploding in sky above beach. Marine tank w/ gun breech opening. 09:19:01 DUKW w/ troops across sand, helicopters in flight behind. Marines on hill looking inland. 50 caliber machine gun & others (?) firing inland. 09:19:19 Simulated atomic bomb w/ mushroom cloud beyond tanks. (GOOD) 09:19:30 Large group of Marine assault helicopters over beach. POV from ?? across sand. Ontos tank past. 09:19:58 LS LST anchored off shore; looking down from open turret of LVT w/ crewmember in turret. Aproaching LST, another trying to enter LST 1168 as crew watches. POV entering LST. 09:22:25 LVTs parked by sand; past tanks. 09:22:42 Helicopters over beach dunes. CU Crew man in turret. View of helicopters low; LVT guns firing; vehicles across sand; trucks pulling artillery. Flight of helicopters away. 09:23:43 POV from top of ?? across sand. 09:23:55 CU LST coxswain alongside ship. LVTs lined up on deep sand w/ ramps open. View out to LST & LVTs to shore, POV thru water. CU machine gunner at station. LS w/ assault helicopters seen over ships. Large explosions on shore & heavy smoke. LVTs headed toward shore. Pulling out of water & along wet sand. Cold War; 1961; Marine Training Exercises; Amphibious Landing;