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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250043-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Korea,USA
TC Begins: 12:56:43
TC Ends: 13:01:29
Duration: 00:04:46
Korean War - 1951, Truman To Civil Defense Conference on Korea vs Atomic War 12:56:52 SOF: “So long as we face the threat of an atomic attack on the United States we have got to build a strong civil defense organization. But even w/ such an organization, our losses in an atomic war, if we should have one - & God forbid - those losses would be terrible. Whole cities would be casualties. Cleveland or Chicago, Seattle or New York, Los Angeles or Washington, or any o our other great cities might be destroyed. And they could be destroyed. Even w/ such losses, frightful as they would be, I think this country would win an atomic war. But even if we win, an atomic war would be a disaster. The best defense against the atomic bomb is to prevent the outbreak of another world war & to achieve a real peace.” 12:57:53 “The Kremlin is trying, & has been trying for a long time, to drive a wedge between us & the other free nations. It wants to see us isolated. It wants to see us distrusted. It wants to see us feared & hated by our allies.” 12:58:13 “We do not intend to fall into that trap. I do not propose to strip this country of its allies in the face of Soviet danger.” 12:58:22 “I am convinced that the course we are now following in Korea is accomplishing the most for peace - & at the least cost in American lives. All of us wish that no Americans had to fight or die. But by fighting on a limited scale now, we may be able to prevent a third world war later on.” 12:58:44 “We’re not engaged in a struggle withoiut end. We are engaged in a struggle which has the definite goal of peace. Peace under law is the victory we seek.” Applause. 12:59:19 Repeat of Truman speech (Probably better sound) Presidential Speeches; Nuclear War;