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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221456-27
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 02:43:18
TC Ends: 02:45:28
Duration: 00:02:10
Title: News Of The Nation (Call for Civil Defense) 02:42:24 MCU of ?? reading; he looks up, speaks (SOF): “Since we have learned that Russia has developed an Atom Bomb we must act w/o further delay to provide for the immediate study & investigation of the problem of building facilities for civil defense . In many of our cities underground structures for auto parking & other purposes have been constructed or are under consideration for construction at this time. And the Federal Government could cooperate w/ the State & Municipal officials for the immediate installation of certain emergency equipment such as auxiliary lighting & first aid & surgical supplies in these structures. The immediate urgent need of municipalities to solve their automobile parking problems by the construction of underground municipal garages can be utilized for the far reaching long range objectives of national civilian defense thru cooperation w/ the Federal Government to incorporate defense measures against atomic bombs & other types of destructive agents in their construction.” Swish pan 02:44:36 Illustration of workers in coveralls, helmets w/ geiger counters walking over devastated landscape. 02:44:43 Military officer w/ equipment looking thru ?? w/ reporter. Pins radiological monitoring tag on pocket of reporter. Both look at previous illustration of atomic aftermath. Military man pointing out protective details. 1949; Cold War; Atomic Defenses; NOTE: 29Aug49 was date of first USSR test blast but not announced until ca 23Sep49.