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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221406-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Marshall Islands,USA
Location: Eniwetok,Marshall Islands,Pacific
TC Begins: 10:48:54
TC Ends: 10:58:46
Duration: 00:09:52
Operation Sandstone - Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Atomic Bomb Test, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands Pt. 1 of 2 Produced by US Air Force, Lookout Mountain Laboratory 10:49:24 Men off landing craft on white sand beach wearing protective masks, gathering samples. Moving thru blasted buildings. Ships offshore. Pan along & aerials over Eniwetok. 10:50:24 Atomic Energy Commission ext. & generals at meeting for briefing; cranes unloading supplies. Palm trees removed, bulldozed, graded, paved. Causeway construction & tent city built. Building towers, reinforced concrete cubes built. Tower completed for atomic test drop. Men arriving; man at console. Ext. of college building. 10:52:59 Aerial over New Mexico desert (brief). Three scientists w/ slide rule doing calculations. CU Sign: Argonne National Laboratory, Palos Park Unit, Do Not Enter Except On Business, w/ buildings behind. Vehicle entrance to Los Alamos, aerials of Oak Ridge, Hanford - all w/ names over image. Int. Brookhaven Lab w/ technician working. View across Eniwetok beach. Sign: Long Beach Naval Shipyard...Gate No. 5. Pan to oil pumping. Technicians & crates w/ large navy ship loaded w/ crates. Freight yard; cranes; docks. 10:54:41 Scientists board ships; crates into hold; ships underway. Civilian & military shaking hands & talking on beach outside plane. Security guard. MPs checking security at check point on beach. Loading machine guns, Various test instruments installed; men checking. Recorders, electronic panels. Adjusting gages. Harp gage; piston gage; foil installed. Paint panels set up for testing. 10:57:43 Camera platforms set up. Still camera of various types. High speed cameras. Men loading camera equipment into B-29, photographic team boarding plane. Continued... Atomic Test Preparations; Pacific Islands; Science; Propaganda; Military; NOTE: Tests were 14Apr-14May48