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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221406-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1962
Country: USA
TC Begins: 10:08:18
TC Ends: 10:21:47
Duration: 00:13:29
World-Wide Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Pt. 1 of 3 Presented by The Defense Atomic Support Agency Rolling introduction...”report is confined to the fallout...produced by all nuclear explosions prior to the Soviet tests of 1961.” 10:09:02 VO w/ animated space illustration. “...radioactivity produced radioactivity is no new thing on earth. ...unstable atoms in the earth itself...” 10:11:10 Man lectures on stage w/ mobiles & photographs & illustrations. Says figuring out radioactivity & fallout not so easy to figure. 10:13:04 Atoms of uranium are fissioned or split... animation drawings showng radioactivity given off. 10:13:26 Atomic bomb blast mushroom cloud. Animation of fallout, shown across abstract desert & mountains. Chart of decay rate w/ effect on people at bottom. Lecturer saying easy to protect from local variety w/ fallout shelter. 10:15:20 Talks about world-wide rather than local fallout. Points at photos. Talks about the particles that are so fine they stay aloft drifting around the world which are the basis of world-wide fallout. 10:16:41 Atomic explosion w/ VO talking about the fallout of ultra-lightweight particles that will only fall when washed out by rain or snow in the troposphere. Diagram showing layers, stratosphere carrying w/o mixing thru the tropopause layer. Jet stream seen. 10:19:03 Illustration of thermonuclear explosion at Pacific Proving Ground, Marshall Islands. Cloud up into stratosphere to 70,000 ft. Particles returning thru breaks in tropopause layer. Explains that USSR, British & USA fallout is deposited in Northern Hemisphere between 30 & 50 degrees north. Continued... Propaganda; Safety; Dangers; Operation Castle; Fear; Nuclear Testing; Biological Science; Military Weapons;