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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221496-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958
Country: USA
TC Begins: 09:00:09
TC Ends: 09:10:11
Duration: 00:10:02
1958 - Color, Documentary: Industrial Applications of Nuclear Explosives 09:00:30 Bright blast over US desert w/ roiling cloud upwards turning dark. 09:00:49 Animation showing plot plan of harbor development in coastal rock w/ dimensions shown. Location of four buried 100 kiloton explosives & a one megaton shot fifty meters deep. 09:01:47 Side view animation of explosion & finished harbor outline shown. Animation of cross section showing supposed minimal thermal effects above ground, crater & confined radioactivity. Animated arrows showing radioactivity washed out into ocean. Chart of bulk and cost suggesting lower cost. 09:03:33 Mountainside w/ miners carts into hillside. Aerial of Nevada mesa top; CU men sitting watching first completely contained underground blast on 19Sep57. Mountain seen w/ arrow overlay, & explosions effects w/ dislodged dust cascading down. Aerial past. 09:04:50 Man inside exploration tunnel to blast center. Graphic illustration showing self-sealing tunnel w/ room w/ atomic explosive device. Side view of tunnel & distances shown from side & top. Animation of firing w/ expansion of room & effect on rock & sand outward & upward. 09:07:53 Cross-section showing use to develop power thru steam; recovery of copper ore by leaching; release petroleum thru oil shale. River valley showing use to open underground storage area in rock for flood control. 09:09:23 Two men in suits in office looking at charts; men at electronic panels. 09:09:31 Cross section again shown & narrator saying nuclear over chemical explosions “...for greater effect at a substantially lesser cost, & for many industrial applications which require amounts of packaged energy heretofore unavailable.” End credits. Peaceful Atomic Energy; Propaganda; 1958; Atoms For Peace; Educational Films;