Joliot & Szilard at Columbia University
Columbia University Physics Department - Pierre Joliot testing uranium disintegration; using Geiger-Muller counter. Dr. Leo Szilard in lab with George Pegram operating oscillograph. Dr. George Pegram calling Navy Dept. on phone telling them Fermi will explain to them the military possibilities of uranium fission.
Studio reenactment: Navy Commander Office - scientist leaving office and interviews with Commander and Lt Commander - Atomic bomb theory being turned down by Navy.
Joliot & Szilard at Columbia University Columbia University Physics Department - Pierre Joliot testing uranium disintegration; using Geiger-Muller counter. Dr. Leo Szilard in lab with George Pegram operating oscillograph. Dr. George Pegram calling Navy Dept. on phone telling them Fermi will explain to them the military possibilities of uranium fission. Studio reenactment: Navy Commander Office - scientist leaving office and interviews with Commander and Lt Commander - Atomic bomb theory being turned down by Navy.